
Prison Ministry

In Prison Ministry, we provide a helping hand to ex-offenders. Through regular Christian chapel services and support group sessions, we desire to present Christ and teach the Word of God. This is to help them get started in their walk with God, build their character and to rediscover their aspiration to turn over a new leaf upon release.

Position(s) Available:

  • Prison Counsellor – As a prison counsellor, you will be involved in conducting regular chapel services and support group sessions for inmates. You will also do regular follow-up with inmates upon their release from prison.

Contact Person:

Isaiah Kuan
Email: [email protected]

*This ministry is only open to OMs and above who have been recommended by their respective Pastor/Cell Group Leader. Interested members have to pass an interview with CHC and Singapore Prison Service.

*This ministry is only open when there is a recruitment drive.