Church Without Walls
Find a need and meet it … find a hurt and heal it.
The launch of the Church Without Walls ministries in 1996 was inspired by a word from God to Pastor Kong and Sun—to build a “church without walls”; a church that loves God wholeheartedly and loves people fervently.
Armed with the vision, and compassion in our hearts, our team of staff and volunteers went to the neighbourhoods and reached out to children, the elderly, persons with special needs and their families. Many of these came from low income families, and many were broken and lonely. The pioneering team was inexperienced and unequipped, but through faith, prayer, passion and sheer hard work, we connected with the families, met their needs, and shared the love of God with them.
Fast forward to present times, there are many needs and hurts still out there and many broken lives that still need Jesus. We remain steadfast in our aim to bring the love of Christ outside the four walls of the church.
If you know of someone who needs befriending, emotional support or a helping hand, do write in to [email protected]. We would like to see how we can be of help to them.
Projects from September to December 2024

CityAngels (Kids-In-Need)
20 VOLUNTEERS (Age 18 & Above)

10 VOLUNTEERS (Age 18 & Above)

CityH❤️mes (Foster Care)
5 MARRIED COUPLES (Age 25 & Above)
10 VOLUNTEERS (Age 25 & Above)

CityOutlook (Renovation)
5 Cell Groups

Prison Care
5 VOLUNTEERS (Age 21 & Above)


Harvest Kidz
20 VOLUNTEERS (Age 18 & Above)

K.I.T.E. (Kids In Total Embrace)
5 VOLUNTEERS (Age 21 & Above)

Meals With Love
10 FEMALE VOLUNTEERS (Age 21 & Above)

My Fellow Workers
100 VOLUNTEERS (Age 16 & Above)

Persons with Special Needs

Street-LIGHT (Sex Trade)
10 FEMALE VOLUNTEERS (Age 25 & Above)
5 MALE VOLUNTEERS (Age 25 & Above)

The Blessing Project
20 VOLUNTEERS (Drivers with Vehicles)

20 VOLUNTEERS (Age 18 & Above)
Other Projects

+Able (Physical Disability)
If you need help, or you know of anyone with a physical disability (stroke included) who needs practical or financial support, reach out to us via [email protected]

Cancer Care Group
If you are a cancer patient and need help, or you know of any cancer patient who needs practical or financial support, reach out to us via [email protected]

Nurturing Circle (Unwed Mums)
If you know any unwed mothers who need support, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Youth (Tuition)
CityAngels (Kids-In-Need)
To care for the needs of babies and children. We hope to show love to these young babies and children who are unable to go home or school.
20 Volunteers (age 18 & above)
Commitment: Once a week; serology test/vaccination needed
- To befriend children with health and/or family issues.
- 与有健康问题和/或家庭问题的孩童作伴。
- 欢迎有管道工、电工和木工经验者加入。
We aim to support families in-need, such as, single-parent households and elderlies, by offering practical assistance such as changing light bulbs, assembling furniture, and performing simple home repairs. Some families may not have the means to handle these tasks on their own, so our help ensures their homes remain safe, functional, and comfortable.
10 Volunteers (age 18 & above)
Commitment: Once a month
- Experience in plumbing, electrical work, and carpentry is welcome.
+Able (Physical Disability)
At +Able, we aim to add the plus factor through care and support to persons with physical disabilities. This is done through befriending, as well as encouraging and supporting them in areas like job search, studies and practical help. We want to make a difference in the lives of persons with physical disabilities and their families and show the love of Christ to them.
CityH❤️mes (Foster Care)
Every child deserves a loving home. A foster home offers vulnerable children the opportunity to grow up in a healthy family environment. Foster care is not adoption, rather, it is a temporary arrangement to meet the emergency care and needs of a child. Our hope is that through foster families in CHC, vulnerable children will benefit from a safe, stable and nurturing Christian home environment, and eventually be able to grow up in their forever home to fulfil their God-given potential.
5 Married Couples (age 25 & above; medically fit)
Commitment: At least 6 months; attend 10 weeks of compulsory training by MSF.
- Provide a child-safe home environment for children.
Note: Applicants will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
10 Volunteers (age 25 & above; singles or married couples)
Commitment: Twice a month for 12 months
- Befriend, visit, and offer practical and emotional support to parents/families who are reuniting with their children.
- Help these children reintegrate into their families.
城市❤️心家 (寄养关怀)
- 为孩童提供一个安全的家庭环境。
委身时间:每月两次,为期 12 个月
- 和与子女团聚的父母/家庭建立关系、进行探访,并为他们提供实际和情感支持。
- 帮助这些孩子重新融入他们的家庭。
家应该是让人感觉舒适和安全的地方。然而,有许多低收入或单亲家庭却无法拥有有利于休息或孩子读书的家居环境。有些时候,适当的家具就能带来极大的改变。处在积极的环境里可以让人对生活有美好的展望。我们想要透过城市展望(City Outlook)为有需要的家庭制造温馨、舒适且实用的住家环境。
- 帮助清理住家以及购买改造房子的物品
服事频率: 四次
- 需拥有住家装修与陈设的经验
- 室内设计师、木工、水管工、电工、油漆工及铺砖工人等为更佳
CityOutlook (Renovation)
A home is where one should feel comfortable and secure. However, many low income and single parent families struggle to have a conducive home environment to rest and for the children to study. Sometimes, all it takes is having the proper furniture to make all the difference. Being in a positive environment can lead to having a positive outlook in life. Through CityOutlook, we hope to create a warm and welcoming, yet functionable home environment for needy families.
5 Cell Groups
Commitment: Once a month (on project basis)
- House cleaning, buying household cleaning items
- Helping with home makeover
- 与更生人士交友并建立联系。
- 给予实际帮助和教导查经课。
Prison Care
Inmates who have completed their prison term sometimes experience difficulty adjusting back to life in society. Many often feel out of place and struggle to get employed or hold down a job. As such, we hope to help and support ex-offenders re-integrate into the community, stay on the right path and rebuild their lives. By providing practical, social and emotional support through befriending, finding employment, and a little financial aid, we want to journey with them to reach financial independence and be able to take care of their family.
5 Volunteers (age 21 & above) & 2 Cell Groups
Commitment: Twice a month
- To befriend and connect with ex-inmates.
- Provide practical support and conduct Bible study.
Cancer Care Group
The stress and anxiety for cancer patients and their families can be overwhelming as many struggle to cope emotionally, mentally and financially. Our Cancer Care Group hopes to journey with cancer patients and their caregivers; to offer practical and financial help to cancer patients who struggle with the cost of medical treatments and possibly, the loss of income.
- 举办疗养院的圣诞活动。
The outreach to the elderly aims to bring the reality of Christ’s love into the lives of the seniors of society. Many of those we reach out to are barely able to care for their own basic needs, let alone go for their medical appointments. Through genuine and consistent care, coupled with practical aid, our ministry has helped and impacted the lives of many elderly, letting them know that God has not abandoned nor forsaken them.
30 Volunteers
Commitment: One-time (December)
- To conduct Christmas event in Nursing Homes.
- 与孩子们一起阅读。
- 辅导功课上有需要的儿童。
- 辅导有学习和特殊需求的儿童(受过特殊需求培训者优先)。
服事频率:一次性 (11月/12月)
- 探访住在1-2房式租赁组屋的家庭,给他们送必需品(青年小组将获得预算)。
- 探访这些家庭,为他们送去日用品。
Harvest Kidz
We hope to extend love and care to children especially those in low-income and needy families. Through our tuition and reading classes, mentoring, financial assistance and other programmes, we seek to meet needs and make a difference.
40 Cell Groups
Commitment: One-time (November/December)
- Buying groceries for families living in 1- & 2-room rental flats (youth cell groups will be given a budget).
- Visit and bless these families with groceries.
20 Volunteers (age 18 & above)
Commitment: Once a week
- Read with children.
- Tutor children in-need.
- Coach children with learning and special needs (special needs trained persons preferred).
K.I.T.E. (Kids In Total Embrace)
We want to embrace children with emotional struggles, to enable them to soar with confidence in life. Kids In Total Embrace aims to support children from poor and needy families who have gone through grief and loss because of a divorce, death in the family or loss of friendships. We want to create a safe space for these children to share their thoughts, feelings and concerns while guiding them understand their emotions and process their pain.
5 Volunteers (age 21 & above)
Commitment: Twice a month
- To do home visitations and provide emotional support to children from poor and needy families going through grief.
- Training will be provided.
- Members with relevant counselling background are welcome.
K.I.T.E. (完全拥抱孩子)
我们想要拥抱有情绪挣扎的孩子,让他们在生活中能充满信心地翱翔。Kids In Total Embrace (完全拥抱孩子)的宗旨是要扶持来自贫困家庭的孩子,他们因为离婚、家人过世或失去友谊而经历失去的悲痛。我们希望为这些孩子制造安全空间,让他们能分享自己的想法、感受和顾虑,并同时引导他们理解自己的情绪,处理自己的悲痛。
- 做家庭探访,并为来自贫困家庭,正在经历悲痛的孩子提供情绪上的支持。
- 将提供培训。
- 欢迎有相关辅导背景的会友参加。
Meals With Love
If there is one area people bond over, it is food. Meals With Love is an initiative to befriend and connect with migrant workers who are far away from home. Through fellowship over food, we hope to share individual stories and build friendships that cut across ethnic boundaries.
10 Female Volunteers (age 21 & above)
Commitment: Once a month
- To befriend migrant workers and connect with them in small groups over meals.
- Ability to speak the Burmese language will be an added advantage.
- 与外籍客工交友,并通过吃饭的方式与他们进行小组交流。
- 能够说缅甸话将是额外的优势。
服事频率:一次性 (11月)
- 在外展活动中提供帮助。
My Fellow Workers
Low wage migrant workers in our midst are far from their homes and families. They work long hours and often, under tough conditions. You would find that although they live in communities, many of them feel alone and homesick. As such, My Fellow Workers is an initiative to reach out to these migrant workers, as well as foreign domestic helpers, to befriend them, offer practical help where needed, and organise meaningful activities and events that they can participate in.
100 Volunteers (age 16 & above)
Commitment: One-time (November)
- To help out in an outreach event.
Nurturing Circle (Unwed Mums)
Nurturing Circle reaches out to unwed mothers by offering pre-natal and post-natal support, both practically and emotionally. We want to journey with these brave mothers to build a community of support to these people who may struggle with feeling vulnerable, fearful, or alone.