Bible Study Classes
Now that you’re a Christian, what’s next?
The life of a Christian is built on the foundation of the Word of God. The Bible Study courses in City Harvest Church help you understand biblical principles and teach you how to apply them in your daily life. Start your journey with one of these courses today!
Venue Allocation
23 Oct (Wed)
26 Oct (Sat)
26 Oct (Sun)
Church Introductory Class
Welcome to our family at City Harvest Church! Now that you have received the salvation of Jesus Christ, this study will help you uncover God’s purpose for your life as you begin the journey of growing in faith. Understand how the church, with its beliefs and values, can guide you in your spiritual walk with the Lord. At CHC, you will encounter God’s presence, cultivate your purpose, experience the warmth of family and make a difference in society.
Getting Started
In this module, you will get started with an introduction to the basics of the Christian faith. Learn about God’s plan of salvation that was accomplished through Jesus Christ, and how you can respond to His call of salvation and eternal life. Understand the significance of water baptism as well as the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Get to know the Holy Spirit and discover how God’s love and fatherhood will change your life.
Christian Lifestyle 1 (Devotion)
The Christian lifestyle is one of ever deepening devotion to God. Our love for God will lead to a desire to delve deeper into His Word and a longing to be in His presence. Discover how to pray The Lord’s Prayer and pray out the Scriptures in your time of solitude with God. Let thanksgiving, praise and worship draw you into a closer relationship with Jesus.
Christian Lifestyle 2 (DNA)
This second part of a 2-part module expands on the biblical DNA of City Harvest Church in greater depth. The cross of Christ has two beams, a vertical beam that speaks of our devotion to God (Part 1), and a horizontal beam that speaks of how we relate to those around us. In Part 2 of this module, learn about building loving relationships with others, journeying together in discipleship and ministry, giving out of love, as well as evangelism and church growth.
Foundation Truths 1 (Digging Deep)
The Bible compares the spiritual growth of a Christian to the construction of a building. The most important feature of any building is its foundation. As believers, our lives must be built upon the foundation truths and doctrines of God’s Word, without which, our faith in Jesus will crumble like sinking sand. In this first instalment of a 2-part series, you will begin your study on the first two core foundation truths outlined in Hebrews 6:1-2—”repentance from dead works” and “faith”.
Foundation Truths 2 (Growing Up)
In the second instalment of this 2-part module, we look at the remaining four of six foundation doctrines from Hebrews 6:1-2—“baptism”, “laying on of hands”, resurrection of the dead” and “eternal judgement”. These foundation stones were what enabled Christianity to weather through the centuries and what will keep us grounded as believers of Christ in a world full of complexities and challenges.
Going On To Perfection
After having laid the building blocks of our faith in Christ, we are now ready to take the next step towards spiritual maturity. Going On To Perfection is an enlightening look into to the Tabernacle of Moses, which was the physical representation of God’s presence. As we explore the significance and symbolism behind its different elements, you will be amazed to see God’s plan for redemption and sanctification unfold powerfully in your life. Gear up and be on your way to becoming a stronger Christian and growing into the fullness of Jesus.
Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God that dwells within us. He is our divine Comforter, Helper and the One who reveals Jesus to us. Discover the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit that God has specially placed in the believer’s life—such as prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues and more. By learning more about these gifts and identifying hindrances to living in the fullness of the Spirit, we can tap into our full potential and be empowered to live the victorious and abundant life that God intended for us.
Sermon On The Mount 1 (Beatitudes)
The Sermon on the Mount is the most powerful and life-changing teachings of Jesus. The three chapters from Matthew 5 to 7 may take only a few minutes to read through, but they can guide us towards deeper intimacy with God and an understanding of His love and grace. SOTM 1 introduces the Beatitudes and covers the eight kingdom attitudes outlined by Jesus that a believer should embrace. As we study the Beatitudes, may it lead us to a transformed life of greater Christlikeness and enable us to be an effective witness to those around us.
Sermon On The Mount 2 (Kingdom Righteousness)
St. Augustine considered the Sermon on the Mount to be a pivotal teaching of Jesus Christ that serves as “a perfect standard for the Christian life”. SOTM 2 explores the principle of Kingdom Righteousness, which covers Jesus’ definition of righteousness, what it means to be “salt and light”, the impact of God’s law on the believer, and how to handle anger, divorce, remarrying and taking oaths. Learn how to approach these matters in a manner that reflects true and authentic kingdom righteousness.
Sermon On The Mount 3 (Kingdom Living)
In SOTM 3 on Kingdom Living, gain insight to the mind of Jesus Christ regarding genuine and authentic spirituality. Kingdom living involves personal devotion to the Lord and to spiritual disciplines such as fasting, giving and prayer—in particular, The Lord’s Prayer. This constitutes the private life of the believer; but there is also the public aspect, such as material possessions, daily living and aspirations. As we conclude the final instalment of this series, may we ever seek out true treasures, humbly trust God, and always choose obedience to His Word.
Cultural Mandate 1 (Theology & Concepts)
God gave Adam the responsibility “to tend and keep” the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:15). This responsibility is encapsulated in the Latin term cultura from which the English word “culture” is derived. The Cultural Mandate, which predates the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, was entrusted to man; to cultivate culture in the world that God had placed him in. But this involves engaging a broken-down, fallen world, with all its immorality, greed and temptations. How do we bring Christ into culture without losing our conviction and consecration in a secular world? In this first instalment of a 2-module series, learn how you can bridge the sacred and secular divide by understanding the theology and key concepts of the Cultural Mandate.
Cultural Mandate 2 (Relevance & Influence)
Eminent theologian John Stott calls this the “Great Paradox of Holiness”, that the God who has saved us and set us apart is now sending us into a sinful and fallen world. Stott argues that every church and Christian must know how to walk in “holy worldliness”—a holiness that is not unworldly, and a worldliness that is not unholy. Holy worldliness is the intentional living of a godly life in a broken-down world, amidst a fallen people. Engaging culture will invariably involve the marketplace of society, particularly in the realm of pop culture. As Christians, we are faced with the challenge of how to handle and engage the arenas of music, movies, novels, fashion, sports, arts and entertainment. How do we practically usher in the character and presence of God in a postmodern world that seems to be against anything moral or godly? In this second part of a 2-module series, you will learn how to bring a redemptive perspective to pop culture through the relevance and influence of the Cultural Mandate in today’s world.